Yoga Meditation Classes at Viniyoga®

Discover the ancient practice of Dhyānam when you sign up for a yoga meditation class at Viniyoga®. 

In a world where mental clarity and peace are increasingly sought after, meditation serves as a key to mastering one’s thoughts and emotions. Our private lessons in Singapore guide you through the transformative process of meditation. We’ll help you achieve a state of deep mental tranquillity and heightened awareness.

Through our structured sessions, you will learn to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being. So, if you're seeking private meditation classes, turn to our experienced instructors who will guide you through your journey of self-discovery and mental mastery. 

Benefits of Private Meditation Classes by Viniyoga®

viniyoga private meditation class

With our private meditation lessons, you can refine your thoughts and gain focus. Here are some of the benefits you can expect when you sign up for our online yoga classes:

Deeper Focus and Concentration

With private classes, distractions are minimised, allowing for deeper focus and concentration. This enhances the quality of meditation, leading to more profound mental clarity.

Enhanced Mind Mastery

Through focused private yoga lessons in Singapore, you gain mastery over your mind. You’ll learn meditation techniques that will free your mind from negative patterns while fostering positive cognitive and behavioural changes.

Emotional Balance

Private meditation lessons help in achieving emotional balance and increasing feelings of joy, peace, positivity, and optimism.

Personalised Guidance

You’ll also enjoy tailor-made lessons to help you address your unique needs and challenges. This private, one-to-one attention ensures a more effective and personalised meditation experience.

Learn Meditation Practices From Viniyoga® Tradition

Our meditation practices are rooted in the rich Viniyoga® tradition, a profound system developed from Indian philosophies. Moreover, our yoga courses provide an in-depth understanding of this ancient practice, reflecting the wisdom passed down through generations.

Lead Instructor - Dr. Kausthub Desikachar

Our courses are guided by Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, the current lineage holder of the Viniyoga® tradition. Signing up for a private class means you’ll benefit from his extensive heritage and expertise in yoga and meditation. Moreover, Dr. Desikachar treats each student with respect, compassion and dignity while ensuring that they gain the technical knowledge and spiritual essence of dhyānam.

What You’ll Learn From Our Meditation Class

Our private meditation class offers a comprehensive learning experience, focusing on various skills to enhance overall well-being. 

  • Discover how to achieve mental clarity, emotional balance and a deeper inner connection. What’s more, you’ll understand how yoga and meditation can become tools for personal growth and well-being.

  • Learn about the ideal yoga postures for meditation, ensuring physical comfort and stability. This knowledge is crucial for maintaining a deeper focus.

  • Gain proficiency in various mindfulness techniques, which are integral to meditation. These yoga practices help in cultivating present-moment awareness.

  • Breath awareness is a key aspect of yoga and meditation. Learn how to observe and control your breath, ultimately helping you calm your mind and connect with the present.

  • Develop a routine for consistent practice. This way, you can reap the full benefits of yoga and meditation, including improved mental health and increased resilience to stress.

Aside from learning these principles, you’ll also gain exclusive access to the Viniyoga® resource centre. Here, you can get materials and resources that you can use to build your foundation for future yoga therapy certification.

Join Viniyoga’s Private Meditation Classes

Start your journey to self-discovery and mental well-being with Viniyoga’s private meditation classes, conducted online through Zoom and complemented by a wealth of online resources. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our courses offer a unique opportunity to deepen your meditation practice in the comfort and privacy of your own space.

Who Should Join

private meditation class
  • Anyone aiming to master their mind, enhance life quality, and deepen self-understanding, whether a beginner or advanced practitioner

  • Those seeking to alleviate depression, manage stress, and explore emotional and psychological dimensions for personal growth

  • Individuals looking to improve focus and productivity, add yoga and meditation to their daily routine, and find greater meaning and purpose in life

Enrolment Information

For more information on course fees and how to enrol in our private yoga and meditation classes, please contact us at If you want to become an instructor, you can also ask about our online yoga teacher training from India. Expect the Viniyoga® team to be ready to assist you in taking the first step towards a more mindful and balanced life.