How Yoga Helps with Anxiety & Stress Relief

Yoga serves as a gateway to both mental relaxation and physical rejuvenation, acting as a buffer against stress and anxiety. Through its asanas, yoga enhances flexibility, eases strain, and mitigates discomfort. Engaging in these poses can assist in unblocking physical constraints, such as tight muscles, subsequently freeing up pent-up emotions. Moreover, the practice stimulates the secretion of endorphins – the body's natural mood enhancers – reshaping one's response to stress and fostering a sense of well-being.

Benefits of Yoga for Stress

Yoga has been cherished for its wide-ranging health advantages, including stress relief. These benefits, backed by both historical wisdom and contemporary research, cater to both our mental and physical facets.

Alleviate Stress and Anxiety

Through focused breathing and mindfulness, yoga fosters a serene mind, combating daily stressors and anxieties.

Deeper Rest

The relaxation techniques in yoga can improve sleep quality, aiding in deeper rest and recuperation.

Decreased Cortisol Production

Asanas and meditation in yoga help regulate stress hormones, leading to balanced cortisol levels.

Improve Various Health Conditions

Yoga's holistic approach can complement treatments for various ailments, from diabetes to depression.

Relief from Allergies and Asthma Symptoms

Breath control exercises, or pranayama, can enhance lung capacity and reduce allergy symptoms.

Decreased Blood Pressure

The calming nature of yoga can help in the regulation of blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health.

Support in Quitting Smoking

Yoga’s emphasis on mindfulness and self-control can provide tools to resist cravings and quit smoking.

Lowered Heart Rate

Through relaxation and deep breathing, yoga can help maintain a balanced and lower heart rate.

Spiritual Growth

Beyond the physical, yoga offers a journey of self-discovery, fostering spiritual enlightenment.

Enhanced Overall Well-Being

Regular practice instils a harmonious connection between mind and body, elevating one's overall mood and outlook.

Release of Muscle Tightness

Through its postures, yoga aids in releasing tight muscles, leading to a relaxed muscle state.

Boost Flexibility and Strength

The diverse asanas challenge and fortify both muscles and joints, enhancing overall physical prowess.

Slow Down Ageing Process

By promoting cellular health and reducing oxidative stress, yoga can contribute to a more youthful physiology.

Dress Appropriately

  • Footwear: Yoga is typically done barefoot. However, if you're uncomfortable going shoeless, opt for yoga socks with non-slip grips.

  • Pants: Start with any comfortable exercise attire. As you progress, you might prefer specific yoga pants that fit your needs. Both mainstream retailers and speciality stores offer options.

  • Tops: Opt for slightly fitted shirts to avoid them sliding during poses. Sleeveless options provide more freedom for arm movements. For intense sessions, ensure your sports bra offers adequate support.

  • Hot Yoga Gear: In heated rooms, wear moisture-wicking apparel and shorts. Cotton or long garments might not be suitable due to sweat retention.

Essential Items to Bring

  • Mat: Initially, you can rent mats at most studios. As you advance, consider investing in a quality mat from reputed brands like Manduka or Liforme. 

  • Hydration: Carry water, especially for hot yoga sessions.

  • Towel: Handy if you sweat profusely or for hot yoga.

Viniyoga®, rooted in ancient tradition, has emerged as a unique approach to modern yoga practices. With its emphasis on self-empowerment, spiritual development, and therapeutic techniques, Viniyoga® integrates classical teachings that complement today's medical paradigms. Central to its philosophy is the guru-student dynamic, where personalised training is curated considering individual health needs and life stages. Dr. Kausthub Desikachar offers specialised Viniyoga® consultations, providing tailored yogic mentorship and spiritual guidance for students worldwide, addressing both daily life challenges and personal growth aspirations.

Experience the healing power of Viniyoga® under the personal guidance of Dr. Kausthub Desikachar. If anxiety and stress have taken a toll on your mental health, our private consultations are tailored to address these challenges. Through a profound understanding of Viniyoga®, Dr. Desikachar offers bespoke sessions that focus on alleviating anxiety and stress.

Dive into a transformative journey, blending ancient yogic teachings with modern therapeutic practices. Unlock the potential of yoga for holistic healing and mental tranquillity.

Book Your Private Consultation and embrace a life of serenity and balance.

About Dr Kausthub Desikachar
Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, an esteemed yoga instructor and Viniyoga® therapist, embarked on his yoga journey under the mentorship of his legendary grandfather, T Krishnamacharya, and his father, TKV Desikachar. Inspired by his father's profound impact at just 9 years old, he commenced his teachings at 13. Over the years, he has travelled extensively, deepening his knowledge. Today, not only does he blend yoga, Ayurveda, and Psychology, but he also incorporates wisdom from traditional healers across the globe. His approach provides a nurturing path, guiding individuals towards achieving holistic well-being and inner harmony.


  • Became child-faculty at age thirteen, teaching children and those with intellectual disabilities.

  • Obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in yoga from Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM) between 1997-2000.

  • Founded KYM-Mitra in 2001, aiming to extend yoga to the socially and economically underprivileged..

  • Completed doctoral studies (2004-2011) at the University of Madras, with research on "Effect of Individualised yoga Training on Quality of Life."

  • Co-founded the Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation (KHYF) in 2006 alongside his father, TKV Desikachar. 

  • In 2016, following his father's passing, founded KHYF International as a non-profit organisation.

  • In 2019, he established Viniyoga® Singapore to cater to the rising demand for Viniyoga® in various Asian countries.